
The High Court of Justice is divided into the following divisions: Civil, Criminal, Contentious-Administrative and Labour Divisions

Its functional structure consists in a Chief Justice who is also the Chief Justice of the Civil and Criminal Divisions, of the Division Chief Justices and Judges established by law for each division and where applicable, of the Sections into which each Division may divided.

The president of the high court is considered a magistrate of the Supreme Court and is the maximum representative of the judiciary in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. he president is appointed by the General Council of the Judiciary for a term of five years. The president of the high court combines govermental and representative tasks of the post with the jurisdictional duties of president of the civil and criminal court of the high court. 

He is also president of the Electoral Board of the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country and president of the Arbitration Committee established in article 34 of the Statute of Autonomy for the resolution of conflicts of competence that arise between the Institutions within the Autonomous Region and each of its provinces.

The president of the High Court of the Basque Country is Magistrate Ignacio José Subijana Zunzunegui.